The Nation's First News Service for International and National Violence News Updated Daily
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Alan J. Lipman

Special Report: Street Children
An original news report for Violence News 
by Cheli Buriel

Coming Soon!
Violence to Language 

Violence to Thought 

Coming Soon! Media and Violence

Media of the Week
Throughout the month of February 
and continuing in March, Lifetime Television 
looks at the issue of violence against women.... 

Musical Interlude 

Book and Media Reviews 

News In Focus

"Honor Killings" 

 - Taking place in Pakistan, these killings 
constitute violence against women who 
are thought to have shamed their family, 
through acts such as adultery.

Honor Killings and Women's Rights

Honor Killings in Pakistan (1999)

Pakistan: Women Face Their Own Crisis (1999)

Resolution Condemning Honor Killings Rejected by 
Pakistani Parliament (1999)

Pakistan: Killing in the Name of Honor (2000)

"Honor Killings" of Women Said on Rise Worldwide (2000)

The Shame of Honor Killings (2000)

In Pakistan, Women Pay the Price of Honor (2000)

"Honor Killing" Rises in Pakistan Despite State and 
Religious Opposition (2000)

Honor Killings: Additional Resources

Voice your thoughts in the Questions about Honor Killings Forum. 

Focus: On Africa

"Regional Ministers Against Strikes on Mogadishu"
"The Nation" (Nairobi, Kenya) February 14, 2002

"Political Violence Casts Doubt on Poll Validity"
UN Integrated Regional Information Network (Zimbabwe), February 15, 2002

"10 Years of State of Emergency, 10 Years of Grave Human Rights Abuses"
Amnesty International Press Release, February 8, 2002

"UN Inviting Genocide Says Taylor"
"The NEWS" (Monrovia) February 15, 2002

"Why Violence is Getting High in Kampala's Many Elections Politics"
"The Monitor" (Kampala) February 15, 2002

Voice your thoughts in the Questions about Africa Forum. 

Center in the News

November 16, 1999
Symposium Seeks to Combat Youth Violence
Through Dialogue


November 3, 2001
Tourists With a Touch of History
WWII Generation Visitors Unfazed By City's Air of Crisis


December 11, 2001
Losing Sleep Over 9-11
Newfound Night Terrors Reflect Our Uncertain Mind-Set


January 9, 2002
Heightened security shows dividend as man who
threatened co-workers at nuclear plant caught with weapons


January 19, 2002
To Some, War Zones Beckon Like a Tourist Destination

Georgetown Blue & Gray


March 19, 2002
In Times of Terror, Teens Talk the Talk

9/11 Finding Its Way Into Popular Culture, Slang.

Humor in den Zeiten des Terrors


March 20, 2002
War in Afghanistan: Weapons grade slang updates putdowns


March 21, 2002
'Terror' teens adopt lurid lexicon


March 22, 2002
'De les was weer total jihad'


April 4, 2002
Osama Yo Mama trägt keine Burka



Violence News Archives 

Special Topics: Continuing Stories
Coping With 9-11: The Sept. 11th Project 
Afghanistan                                        Mideast Violence
Milosevic Trial
Youth Violence

June 2, 2002

Slaying Suspect Called 'Ideal Kid' 

Ocean City (The Washington Post, METRO) -- Erika Sifrit, 
who police say admitted that she and her husband killed a 
Fairfax City couple, was an honor student and star athlete who 
surprised her parents by marrying a man they had never met, 
her high school basketball coach said yesterday....


Israelis search 4 cities

West Bank (The Chicago Tribune, WORLD) -- In wide-ranging 
operations in the West Bank, Israeli troops searched for 
Palestinian militants in four separate cities and villages 
Saturday, making arrests and encountering little resistance....

Israeli troops search for Palestinian suspects in Nablus

Nablus (The Chicago Tribune, WORLD) -- Israeli forces 
patrolled the deserted streets of this Palestinian city 
Saturday with tanks, armored personnel carriers and 
armored jeeps as they searched for suspects 
in terrorist activities....

Israel's Forces Move Into Nablus, Seizing 100 and Imposing Curfew

Nablus (The New York Times, INTERNATIONAL) -- Israeli 
tanks and troops stormed into Nablus and its neighboring 
Balata refugee camp before dawn today, rounding up about 
a hundred Palestinians, in the largest of the daily raids 
since its virtual occupation of most West Bank cities in April....

Palestinian Killed at Mosque

West Bank (The LA Times, INTERNATIONAL) -- A man 
who defied curfew is shot outside the building in the 
West Bank. The Israeli army says there was an exchange of fire....


 Pakistani Suggests Russian Mediation of Kashmir Crisis

Kashmir (The New York Times, International) -- With 
India's prime minister unwilling to meet with him at a summit 
this week, the Pakistani leader held out the possibility 
today that Russia could serve as a mediator....


Factional Afghan Fighting Kills 10

Nimruz (The LA Times, INTERNATIONAL) -- Rival factions 
fought with rockets and small-arms fire in the capital of the 
southwestern Afghan province of Nimruz, killing at 
least 10 people, an Afghan official said Saturday....


Chavez denies ordering massacre of opponents

Caracas (The Chicago Tribune,WORLD) -- Venezuelan 
President Hugo Chavez portrayed himself Friday as the heroic 
survivor of the coup against him in April, saying the plotters 
planned to kill him and denying charges that he ordered a 
massacre of demonstrating opponents...


26 peasants killed in apparent feud

(The Chicago Tribune, WORLD) -- Twenty-six peasants 
were ambushed and murdered in southern Mexico, 
apparently killed by rival farmers in a long-running 
land dispute, officials said Saturday....

26 Peasants Are Killed in Ambush on Rural Mexican Road

Mexico City (The New York Times, International) -- Twenty-six 
peasants were shot and killed on Friday night in an ambush on a 
remote dirt road in southern Oaxaca, officials from the state 
attorney general's office said tonight....


Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

American Academy of Child & Adolescent  Psychiatry

American Academy of Pediatrics

Journal of the American Medical Association

Child & Adolescent Psychopharmacology News


Center for Disease Control

  The National Crime Prevention Council

The Federal Bureau of Investigation

The US Department of Justice

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

American Academy of Pediatrics

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Violence News Staff 
For questions about Violence News or to contribute news stories, please contact Center Violence News Senior Editor Beth Moore at